Thursday, February 28, 2013

1st story!


Arachne was a maiden who came from Greece. She was neither well born or beautiful  and didn't come from a great city. She lived in a small village, where her father was a dyer of wool. He was very skillful  But even more skillful than her father was Arachne. She wove soft, fine threads into cloth. Her eyes were light and here hair was dusty. Soon her products were known all over Greece. Many people loved them, and had never seen anything like them before!

Arachne's fame spread far and wide. Many people came to visit her just to watch her work. Sometimes, even the nymphs would watch Arachne. Many people though that it was Athena taught Arachne this skill. They would tell each other, "Surely Athena herself must of taught her."

Arachne thought that she was better than Athena.Hearing this, Athena came down and disguised herself as an old lady. But, hearing Arachne's pride, she went into her true form, and they had a weaving contest. Athena, in  anger, turned Arachne into a spider. Ever since then, spiders have weaved her webs.

1 comment:

  1. Great story - I always pull for the underdog so Arachne gets my vote - from Mrs. Lanier
