Monday, March 4, 2013

2nd story!

2nd Story!

Arachne was spinning a tapestry, and everyone was coming to watch her. And then people started talking about how Athena must of have taught her. And then Arachne said, "No! Athena didn't teach me! I'm way better that Athena!" Athena heard this and came down as an old lady and said, "Even if you are talented, it does not mean you are worthy of the gods." Arachne scoffed and said:"I can take on the gods anytime!"

Enraged, Athena turned herself into her true form and they started a weaving contest. When Athena saw how good she was, how proud,she turned all that pride into guilt. It was unbearable, and Arachne tried to to end her life. Athena, saddened by her actions, gave her life again as a spider, and all of her children, and there children, and so on, were also spiders.

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