Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Ok, so in this post we will compare and contrast both of the stories.

Text Title
Media Title
Arachne The MythMythsMyth Arachne
Setting: Greece

The setting is the same

Setting:  Greece
Arachne and Athena

Same characters


Arachne and Athena
Plot Events:
Arachne thought she was the best weaver so she challenged Athena to a weaving competition. Athena got mad and turned Arachne into a spider.
Arachne got cursed

Plot Events:
Athena curses a talented weaver for being better than her.
Athena got mad and turned Arachne into a spider.

She became a spider in the end

Athena turned her pride into guilt,then Arachne felt so guilty that she killed herself.Athena,upset by both their actions,let her live again as a spider.
What I “see” and “hear” in the printed text:
Athena getting mad, the breaths of the onlookers, the creaking of the wooden frames, the whirring of the shuttles,

Athena getting mad, the crowd of peopleWhat I “perceive” from the media text:
People gasping,Athena roaring in rage,narrator speaking.

Fan Talk

 put who YOU think is the best!

Our thought 2

Arachnefan#1:: "OK, so weren't all that good, but at least she wasn't a a bad sport!

ATHENAROCKS: Yes she was! She started mocking the gods like "Im am better than the gods! Blah Blah Blah!"

Arachnefan#1:" ARRRRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Runs at her, waving her arms like crazy* ATHENA WAS ALL THE WORDS MY MOMMY SAYS I CAN'T SAY! SHE WAS A BAD SPORT!!!!!!!! 
( >.<  )

ATHENAROCKS: That is a very colourful vocabulary you have there Arachnefan#1:. I COULD SAY THE SAME THING TO ARACHNE!!!!!!!

Arachnefan#1: *Throws a punch at her* FOOOOOOOOOR ARACHNEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!  

ATHENAROCKS: IT JUST GOT REAL! FOR ATHENA!!! *Throws punch back at Arachnefan#1

Arachnefan#1:: Wait- why do we care? Its just a myth!

ATHENAROCKS: I don't know, but I just want to put my point out in the world, that Athena is better.


ATHENAROCKS: Hey! Calm down! This is a debate. Not a fist fight. 

Arachnefan#1: *whining* Bu-but-but, then- HOW we ever know whos better?


Arachnefan#1: Well, from what you've seen( and heard) who do YOU think is the best? Go to the post called Fan Talk  to put what you think.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Our thoughts 1

Arachnefan#1: I am soooooooooo MAD at Athena! She was such a bad sport!

ATHENAROCKS: She has rights though. I mean, she is a goddess!

Arachnefan#1 AND I HAVE RIGHTS TO FREE SPEECH!!!!!! ( I don't know why I just said that :3)

ATHENAROCKS: But the point is not about you! Your off topic! We are talking about Arachne and Athena. Athena had rights to turn Arachne into a spider

Arachnefan#1: Arachne was a preeeeetty spider(O.O)

ATHENAROCKS: Arachne was stupid. She was all like "Hey goddess, lets have a battle, I think im better than you!"

Arachnefan#1: AND, I think that Atheeeeeeeeena *Says in a mocking tone* was a bad sport! Its like" OMG's, I lost! Now, I'll turn you into a spider! (And, in the Percy Jackson series  she goes crazy AND tries to kill him!!)

ATHENAROCKS: Ya and Arachne *Also says in a mocking tone* starts mocking the gods!
(go to da next post to see how this ends!)

2nd story!

2nd Story!

Arachne was spinning a tapestry, and everyone was coming to watch her. And then people started talking about how Athena must of have taught her. And then Arachne said, "No! Athena didn't teach me! I'm way better that Athena!" Athena heard this and came down as an old lady and said, "Even if you are talented, it does not mean you are worthy of the gods." Arachne scoffed and said:"I can take on the gods anytime!"

Enraged, Athena turned herself into her true form and they started a weaving contest. When Athena saw how good she was, how proud,she turned all that pride into guilt. It was unbearable, and Arachne tried to to end her life. Athena, saddened by her actions, gave her life again as a spider, and all of her children, and there children, and so on, were also spiders.